Our season runs from the beginning of October until the end of April! Our tours are usually from Thursday to Sunday- but this varies throughout the season. Check out our bookings page for exact dates!
There is no best time of year! We are lucky enough to have dolphins in the area year-round! Every single day is different, so chose a date that suits you best!
Absolutely not! The end of the season is just as good as the start! The water is actually warmer towards the end of the season and there are still plenty of dolphins around! We only close down at the end of April for maintenance- then the boat is used for whale watching through Winter!
Our tour is all inclusive! We provide all the equipment (wetsuits, mask and snorkels), training, breakfast, photos and a customised underwater video of the experience! We even include champagne and mimosas! Woohoo!
We operate our swims off a 54 foot sailing catamaran, which has two hulls. Between these hulls, at the front of the boat, we have a rope strung between the bows. Swimmers hold onto this rope (and are also attached with a harness) and are slowly pulled through the water, while the dolphins bow ride on the front of the boat. This keeps the dolphins extremely interested, as they love bow riding! This enables us to provide long swim experiences for our swimmers, and they move through the water like they are part of the pod! It’s a bit hard to put into words- so check out our videos to see how it works!
Absolutely! We have two tickets available- the Wild Dolphin Swim and the Wild Dolphin Watch. Both tickets are for the same tour, just some people are swimming and some are staying on the boat. We honestly believe it is the best dolphin watching experience in the world! The dolphins come so much closer than regular dolphin watching tours, and you get to see them interact with humans!
Yes! Swimmers and observers are together through the majority of the tour- but the observers stay on the boat while the swimmers enter the water!
Yes! We run our tours on a stable 54 foot catamaran which has plenty of space and a large undercover cabin.
Yes! Swimmers are separated into groups that take it in turns in the water. Parents/guardians can be in different groups so that someone can be with the children at all times.
It is rare, but occasionally it happens. We have an amazing success rate, usually up around 90% swim success each season. If it doesn’t work out on your day, we offer a free return so you can come back and try again within 12 months!
Swimming and snorkelling skills are definitely recommended, but not essential! We call it a ‘swim’, but while you are being towed along as part of the pod you do not actually swim at all. Rather, you just ‘hang’ by your arms, and relax as much as you can, holding on to the tow-rope and watching the dolphins. It is more important that you are confident in trying something new- our team will be there to help!
As we operate offshore in the open ocean, we are subject to ocean and weather conditions. We will have to cancel the tour if the ocean is too rough. We will try and give you as much notice as we possibly can, but ocean conditions can change quickly! Your best chance is to come to the area for a few days, so you have a backup day in case it is too rough on the day you booked! There are so many other amazing activities in the area too!
Sure you can! They will need some form of lanyard as they are easy to drop. No long selfie sticks are allowed! We usually tell people to have their first swim with no camera, to get used to it first! Remember- we will be filming for you, so you might as well enjoy the experience and let us do the filming!
We are operating in the open ocean- but we have never had an issue with sharks at all. We have 7 swimmers in the water, holding on to a rope of a 52 foot catamaran- sharks are not interested in this and are more scared of us then we are of them! Sharks do not target humans and statistically, your drive to the tour in the morning is far more dangerous than the tour itself! Dolphins will know if there are sharks around, if they are acting strange, we will get our swimmers out of the water. For your peace of mind, our swim leader also wears a SharkShield which is an electronic device that strongly repels sharks!
We operate our tours offshore in the open ocean- so motion sickness can be an issue for some people. We provide motion sickness medication in the morning before the tour and we HIGHLY recommend you take them (unless you regularly spend time OFFSHORE on boats and you know you don’t get sick, or you have a medical reason not to take them). It’s better to be safe than sorry and many people who refuse the medication regret it! If you get sea-sick, we will look after you, but it is something that we cannot control. We can’t offer refunds if you get sick!
If you are worried about motion sickness you should avoid alcohol the night before and skip your coffee the morning of the tour!